Sunday, February 22, 2009

Copy N Profit by Moses Isaac

Why waste effort learning business online? Here's a faster, easy solution:

Copy the exact campaigns that make $94,133 every 30 days on autopilot.

You won't need to "learn" anything .... Just COPY these. No margin for error... just a template that's already profitable for you to duplicate.

We are going to give you these campaigns down to every specific details:

Let me reveal a commonly overlooked truth ... and forever end the problem of information overload of "what really works" FAST. This is legitimately ALL you need to scale massive profits and here's why....

Up until now, the supposed gurus in this business made money by launching their "strategy ebooks," "software," and use "proof" screenshots of their launch earnings.

My partner Jamie and I have worked together for some time now..
Jamie is pretty well-known Top 100 client in the underground internet marketing crowd, but he's not a "guru" that makes all his money just by teaching others or doing seminars. He makes huge money with real PPC campaigns and a vast set of affiliate methods.

I had previously been a client of Jamie's through his first publication, TSAM. Don't get me wrong, I was making some good money, but still failing at some parts and getting no where near the earnings Jamie was doing.

... here's the SAD part. Here's the dirty little secret that the internet marketing coaching world doesn't want revealed.....

He took me under his wing for over 3 years and up until recently, I hate to admit it...
Even though I was a certified Google Adwords Expert, I lost over $77,200 on Adwords, SEO, banners, and other affiliate marketing projects. I hated the fact that it was lost even under Jamie's tutelage. Can you even believe that?

I mean here is a guy who is banking $94,133 a month in profit. I read almost all of his courses showcasing how he does it. Yet, I STILL could not do what he was teaching me.

We tirelessly went over the way I operated ... compared how I was working versus him. We were clearly operating on two very different paradigms.

"Learning it" just isn't good enough!

I realized I was making the following mistakes while under Jamie's tutelage.... and you may be too so notice very carefully:

Not following exact blueprints 100% - If just one thing is off, Results will be much different than the person who is teaching you especially in affiliate marketing.
Not studying the EXACT examples that they have used for modeling their success. This is why e-books and most software are generally useless.
Not understanding the history of a niche or technique - this creates the downfall of a lot of people who do well for a while but then taper off over time.

It took me a few more months to internalize and accept that fact that these 3 mistakes were the cause for my past failures. There was so much distortion between what I was taught and how I applied it.

Now, back to my almost embarrassingly streak of poor luck....

I asked Jamie directly what was wrong with me... He was very helpful, but overall still too busy to really help me "learn" it to his level. At this point, I was PISSED ....

I flat out called him out on it.... "Why the hell did you not just reveal the whole campaign to me? Show me exactly what you're doing... c'mon!" I then said to him...

"Stop trying to give me a fishing pole,
just give me the fish - seriously!"

I turned and went my own way, kind of disappointed that he would only teach me but not reveal his own business secrets down to the 'T' in real-time.

I could understand. After all, they were his secrets.

About 2 months later, I received a strange phone call....

"Hey Lance, I got something for you. As a previous client of mine I took your word into consideration... and I decided that as my student, I think you should...

... plug in some of my campaigns."

These campaigns are so effective, I saw sales come in just one hour after I copied the first ads. The results represented similar results as his Clickbank accounts. In fact, some of the campaigns that were paused in Jamie's account were making me money in mine!

He wasn't even using them!!!

I asked him why he hadn't used half of the campaigns, and he quickly retorted:

"Oh I still do, but the campaigns I gave you are vast enough that thousand of affiliates could steal them. You'd still be very profitable."

... these campaigns had endless potential

Two weeks after launching these campaigns, I got another phone call from Jamie:

"Lance, I'd like you to help me package all of my best campaigns as well".

We talked about it and after careful consideration, I was very excited.

I saw this as an opportunity to be involved in the internet marketing revolution, and to participate on the front line.

Minutes later, we hung up. I began to prepare for the biggest affiliate marketing launch ever... we created the ultimate system and software that would deliver members with the exact campaigns and tools. At the end of the day, our set of templates speak for themselves

.... wait till you hear the whole story below of how many lives this is changing ...

... are you sick of trying to "learn" all these methods and systems YET no one dares to reveal the whole recipe down to the 'T'? Are some things just forbidden or is they just trying to hide a hoax from you?

Ross Perot, the American billionaire-turned politician, once said "Success is at the razor edge of failure". I always kept that in mind and ended up doing everything in my power to find out what it REALLY took to create profitability over and over.

You will find that CopyNprofit is built with a strong replicable foundation. These campaigns are not just science... they are actual profit machines that have been put to work. They stand the test of time.

This means they are pretty much still working non-stop, FAIL-PROOF even if you are:

... in debt? Lots of it? Copy these and it will pull you out FAST...

... feeling an economic downturn? Watch me prove the entire media wrong!

... retired or just plain want some EXTRA monthly INCOME? It doesn't get more effortless.

I assure you ... as with any system that stands the test of time, this requires:


NO EFFORT ... system is pre-done for you to copy.

NO TECH SKILLS ... trust me ... I know what it's like in the past to not understand computers. CopyNProfit won't let you down!

NO END ... to the profits that is!

Yes, we even have a massive section designed to bring any person who is completely NEW to computers (fresh newbie) up to FULL speed - everything covered down to the 'T'!

This system is a stroke of genius. Everything from the keywords, the written ads, the ad spend, bids, and various other settings ... these were truly perfected recipes to follow - each template comes with a theme!

Jamie had explained to me the huge amount of time that was spent weeding out keywords, re-writing ads, or improving CTR until the return was optimal. I have talking with Jamie about his "master plan". He said that the system being "fine tuned" for replication is an understatement at best.

It would take years for any individual to critique this many campaigns and reach this intense level of profitability on their own.

We joke around saying one can use CopyNProfit without needing any brain cells or intelligence. We laugh even harder because it's practically true since one just needs to know how to COPY.

Here is where it gets even better...

The final campaigns are ten times more focused and consistently updated. I simply log into the master Google Adwords account and copy campaigns for myself anytime.

With help from Jamie and several programmers who worked on the system, it's easier than ever to set up shop and profit
Here's the raw beast...

... CopyNProfit is truly a giant collection of actual, profitable campaigns, software and videos of our EVERY action taken. You will simply duplicate the fastest-to-profit template imaginable.

In addition to having fully tested campaigns, the control panel includes the most effective and comprehensive videos that illustrate how to grow your income and entire business.

Yes, we give you what's profitable already and then you can expand these automatically!

No hype, no marketing hypnosis, just pure profit templates and strategies at the other end of this page.

We want this experience to be special for you. We are honored to support your business - and we love your authentic testimonials to us!

Step #1: Choose a niche to work with.

It's up to you which campaign you want to copy. You simply choose which niche, campaign and product will be best for you and then watch the "strategy" video.

When you are ready, look over the chart to find out which ad groups perform the best and how to set them up. There is no limit to the amount of campaigns you can use.

Choose from 37+ super-profitable niches and campaigns at a time to work with. We make it easy and effortless.
You may want to work with a niche that gets a lot of traffic, or you might want a smaller more "targeted" niche without competition. You'll also be able to see the history of the campaign and what it did for us.

Choose your ad groups and keywords: After you have decided what niche you want to spend your time working with, We show you how to target the product for commissions. Again, we have made it easy to decide so you can get right on track immediately.
Watch the strategy video: watch the provided strategy video and learn the techniques that Jamie recommends. He makes it super easy to grasp. When you are done you will have a tight grip on what is needed to copy the campaign, plug it in and start making money.

Step #2: Copy the campaign

It's time to get started.

Open up your search engine advertising account of choice or other medium and brace yourself.

Now that you know exactly which campaign and ad groups you want to use, you will be done in less than 10 minutes.

There are infinite possibilities inside the CopyNProfit campaign. No two users will use the exact same campaign. The niches are vast, the ad creator is innovative.

You will find that this system works for everyone with outstanding results.

Copy & paste the ads and keywords from each ad group if you like. It's extremely easy to go through the steps and set up an EXACT replication of the campaigns Jamie & I use.
Import the campaign: If you do not feel like copying & pasting the campaign, you can import the file into your Adwords or other PPC account. As you might know already, this process is lightning fast and does not require much effort at all.

Step #3: Use the ad creator software

Talk about automation..

This software will allow you to create ads at will, based on keywords of your choice.

There are absolutely no limits to the amount of ads and keywords used, and you will have unlimited access to the software for life.

... and yes, we even give you the EXACT converting landing pages that update regularly to ensure profits!

Choose the keyword! Choose which keyword you want to target for quick commissions.
Choose a campaign to use: Choose from over 37 of our campaigns to base your ads. This speeds up the process making targeting that much easier.
Refresh using the "make your ad button". Every time you "refresh" using the "make your ad" button, an entirely new ad will appear. Keep refreshing the button to create new ads.

Step #4: Multiply your profits

CopyNProfit is not just PPC!

In fact you will be given all of the tools necessary to start an online business using Articles, comments, forums and blogs as well as offline marketing.

Most of which are completely NO COST. Heck, even use our covert keyword generator to scale your revenue high.

You will have everything you need to launch a full blown, profitable affiliate marketing business from home and this is where we duplicate to other mediums as well.

Forum Marketing: Forum marketing is one of the most natural ways to make money online. Pick your campaign, choose an individual keyword and hit the forums for cold hard cash.
Article Marketing: If you can write, Article marketing is one of the most practical and NO COST ways to make a lot of money with minimal effort.
Commenting with your affiliate link. This is probably the easiest and most simple promotions that exists. Choose a keyword, follow the "profit recipe" and post your link in return for huge "niche" profits.
Killer opt-in pages for you to duplicate and make your own 20,000+ email list for profits just by writing a single EASY email - it's true.

Step #5: Fire up your campaign

It's time to launch. Once you are done choosing your niche, ad groups and copying your campaign, it's time to sit back and watch it work. You can easily track your results and critique your funnel with the CopyNProfit data tools and control panel. You will find this was the easiest way to plug in real systems and this is just the beginning.

Fire up the campaign:
Time has come to launch your campaign. it's easy to fire, control, and watch the money overwhelmingly roll in.
Track Results Use the CopyNProfit control panel to watch your campaign's every move. It is easy to keep a close eye on the way your campaign is operating and how it is adapting to your PPC account.
Critique and optimize. We make it easy to optimize your campaigns and immediately make them better once the first results come in. Simple track the campaign, compare the data and optimize with small changes to eventually "set it and forget it".

So we told you about the campaigns, now you need to know the following did not come easy. With innovation comes sacrifice, and we understand that we must go all in or not at all.

With that being said, in addition, we have included the most intuitive video collection ever made for internet marketers.

Not only is this video collection a breakthrough in modern internet marketing, but Jamie designed it to work seamlessly with the CopyNProfit campaigns, enabling you to take them to the next level and potentially make more than I or Jamie.

Dominate Adwords, MSN and Yahoo.

Taking a campaign and duplicating the results with other applications is the easy part.

These niches work no matter who is promoting them. The traffic is big, and the profits are even bigger.

The campaigns are 100% automated and we do not need to do anything to maintain them.

Again, the years it took Jamie to perfect the campaigns is behind you and your inevitable success lies ahead. Just copy this and see for yourself

Moses Isaac
Skype Id : moses1965

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